PixarAnimationStudios / OpenUSD

Universal Scene Description
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usdview locking up when viewing kitchen.usd with embree3 renderer in usd 20.08 #1272

Open dolivares-spinvfx opened 4 years ago

dolivares-spinvfx commented 4 years ago

Description of Issue

usdview is locking up when viewing kitchen.usd with embree 3 renderer in USD 20.08 There are no error messages in the shell. The same scene works with embree 2 in USD 20.05 Viewing city.usd with embree 3 in 20.08 works.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Compile usd 20.08 with embree 3.11.0
  2. Load kitchen.usd with usdview
  3. Switch Hydra Renderer to Embree

System Information (OS, Hardware)

CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz GPU: Quadro M4000/PCIe/SSE2 Driver: NVIDIA 440.44

Package Versions

tbb = '/spin/software/tbb/2018_U2/linux/64'
exr = '/spin/software/exr/2.2.1/linux/64'
boost = '/spin/software/boost/1.61.0/linux/64'
glew = '/spin/software/glew/2.1.0/linux/64'
oiio = '/spin/software/oiio/1.8.7/linux/64'
opensubdiv = '/spin/software/opensubdiv/3.3.0/linux/64'
alembic = '/spin/software/alembic/1.7.7/linux/64'
hdf5 = '/spin/software/hdf5/1.8.20/linux/64'
pyside = '/spin/software/pyside/1.2.2/linux/64'
pyside2 = '/spin/software/pyside2/5.12.0/linux/64'
shiboken = '/spin/software/shiboken/1.2.2/linux/64'
pyopengl = '/spin/software/python_pkg/pyopengl/3.1.0'
ptex = '/spin/software/ptex/2.1.33/linux/64'
jemalloc = '/spin/software/jemalloc/5.0.1/linux/64'
embree = '/spin/software/embree/3.11.0/linux/64'
prman = '/spin/software/RenderMan_ProServer/23.2/linux/64'

Build Flags

        '-DTBB_INCLUDE_DIR=%s/include' % tbb,
        '-DTBB_LIBRARY=%s/lib' % tbb,
        '-DOPENEXR_LOCATION=%s' % exr,
        '-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % boost,
        '-DGLEW_LOCATION=%s' % glew,
        '-DOIIO_LOCATION=%s' % oiio,
        '-DOPENSUBDIV_ROOT_DIR=%s' % opensubdiv,
        '-DPTEX_LOCATION=%s' % ptex,
        '-DEMBREE_LOCATION=%s' % embree,
        '-DALEMBIC_DIR=%s' % alembic,
        '-DHDF5_ROOT=%s' % hdf5,
        '-DRENDERMAN_LOCATION=%s' % prman,
        '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % target_path
sunyab commented 4 years ago

Hi @dolivares-spinvfx, I haven't been able to reproduce this issue but we are using Embree 3.2.2 right now. I'll try installing and building against 3.11.0 to see if I can reproduce this. Could you capture and post a stack trace from the hang?

dolivares-spinvfx commented 4 years ago

Sure here you are. I used gstack and strace for this. trace.zip

jtran56 commented 4 years ago

Filed as internal issue #USD-6238