PixarAnimationStudios / OpenUSD

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Hangs during process shutdown when using the OpenUSD SDK. #3058

Open jjzanin-SMS opened 3 weeks ago

jjzanin-SMS commented 3 weeks ago

We are experiencing hangs shutting down a process that uses the OpenUSD SDK (on Windows). We have a process that recursively exports from Maya to USD using the Maya-USD plugin and our translators. This process spawns worker processes to do the exports in parallel, so we have many instances of using the SDK, and many chances to experience these hangs. They all seem to come down to global destructors calling into TBB and TBB is in an undefined state because the process is exiting. A couple of examples:

I'm sure my "fixes" are not great and I'm not suggesting these be implemented in OpenUSD. I'm hoping there is a better systemic fix with global destructors accessing TBB.


Package Versions


jesschimein commented 3 weeks ago

Filed as internal issue #USD-9593