ruby-jss provides native ruby access to the REST APIs of Jamf Pro, an enterprise/education tool for managing Apple devices, from The Jamf module provides access to both APIs. Jamf Pro objects are implemented as classes and interact with each other. Authentication tokens, data format and other details are handled under the hood to allow simpler, intuitive automation of Jamf-related tasks.
Note: Not able to create configurations due to an API limitation/complication.
Ability to manage Disk Encryption payloads in JSS::Policy objects.
New methods:
reissue_key() - Set the payload to reissue a recovery key
apply_encryption_configuration(identifier) - Finds the JSS::DiskEncryptionConfiguration id using either the name or id of the configuration and adds it to the policy.
remove_encryption_configuration() - Removes the Disk Encryption payload entirely.
Added Features:
id using either the name or id of the configuration and adds it to the policy.