Pixate / Xamarin-PixateFreestyle

Xamarin.iOS and .Android module for Pixate Freestyle
Apache License 2.0
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Xamarin.Forms #12

Open bscheiman opened 10 years ago

bscheiman commented 10 years ago

Using Pixate w/ Xamarin.Forms results in a crash similar to this:

<Warning>: Unhandled managed exception: Failed to find the closed generic method 'InvokeConformsToProtocol' on the type 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.RendererFactory+DefaultRenderer'. (MonoTouch.MonoTouchException)
      at MonoTouch.Registrar.DynamicRegistrar.FindClosedMethod (System.Type closed_type, System.Reflection.MethodBase open_method) [0x00072] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/ObjCRuntime/.pmcs-compat.DynamicRegistrar.cs:615 
      at MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetGenericMethodDirect (IntPtr obj, IntPtr typeptr, IntPtr methodptr, Int32 paramCount, System.IntPtr* paramptr) [0x00035] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/ObjCRuntime/.pmcs-compat.Runtime.cs:268 
      at (wrapper native-to-managed) MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Runtime:GetGenericMethodDirect (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,intptr*)
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Messaging:void_objc_msgSend (intptr,intptr)
      at MonoTouch.UIKit.UIWindow.MakeKeyAndVisible () [0x00008] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/build/compat/UIKit/.pmcs-compat.UIWindow.g.cs:215 
      at AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching (MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication app, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDictionary options) [0x00040] in /Users/bscheiman/Documents/Developer/Forms/iOS/AppDelegate.cs:22 
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication:UIApplicationMain (int,string[],intptr,intptr)
      at MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.String principalClassName, System.String delegateClassName) [0x0004c] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/UIKit/.pmcs-compat.UIApplication.cs:38 
      at Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0000d] in /Users/bscheiman/Documents/Developer/Forms/iOS/Main.cs:15 
<Error>: Stacktrace:
    Native stacktrace:
<Error>:    0   App                          0x01bec961 mono_handle_native_sigsegv + 260
<Error>:    1   App                          0x01bf1df7 sigabrt_signal_handler + 102
<Error>:    2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x3b16df93 _sigtramp + 42
<Error>:    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x3b173797 pthread_kill + 58
<Error>:    4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3b0b9fdd abort + 76
<Error>:    5   App                          0x01ca72e0 fetch_virt_property + 0
<Error>:    6   App                          0x01bece37 mono_invoke_unhandled_exception_hook + 66
<Error>:    7   App                          0x01bfa547 mono_thread_abort_dummy + 62
<Error>:    8   App                          0x01bec621 mono_handle_exception_internal + 3952
<Error>:    9   App                          0x01beb6ab mono_handle_exception + 10
<Error>:    10  App                          0x01be55ed mono_arm_throw_exception + 104
<Error>:    11  App                          0x002d80f4 throw_exception + 68
<Error>:    12  App                          0x000ae658 MonoTouch_ObjCRuntime_Runtime_GetGenericMethodDirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_int_intptr_ + 212
<Error>:    13  App                          0x00109a1c wrapper_native_to_managed_MonoTouch_ObjCRuntime_Runtime_GetGenericMethodDirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_int_intptr_ + 112
<Error>:    14  App                          0x01b24687 native_to_managed_trampoline_22 + 178
<Error>:    15  App                          0x01b2b485 -[Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_VisualElementRenderer_1 conformsToProtocol:] + 80
<Error>:    16  App                          0x01b7e80b +[UIView(PXStyling) updateStyles:recursively:] + 250
<Error>:    17  UIKit                               0x32bb3d79 <redacted> + 380
<Error>:    18  QuartzCore                          0x3283162b <redacted> + 142
<Error>:    19  QuartzCore                          0x3282ce3b <redacted> + 350
<Error>:    20  QuartzCore                          0x3285bcdd <redacted> + 140
<Error>:    21  UIKit                               0x32c30183 <redacted> + 242
<Error>:    22  UIKit                               0x32c2e7a3 <redacted> + 3498
<Error>:    23  UIKit                               0x32c2d9f3 <redacted> + 46
<Error>:    24  UIKit                               0x32c2d97b <redacted> + 94
<Error>:    25  UIKit                               0x32c2d913 <redacted> + 42
<Error>:    26  UIKit                               0x32c25f89 <redacted> + 108
<Error>:    27  UIKit                               0x32bba127 <redacted> + 382
<Error>:    28  UIKit                               0x32c2d661 <redacted> + 696
<Error>:    29  UIKit                               0x32c2d125 <redacted> + 164
<Error>:    30  UIKit                               0x32bbf065 <redacted> + 460
<Error>:    31  UIKit                               0x32bbc847 <redacted> + 302
<Error>:    32  UIKit                               0x32c2635d <redacted> + 60
<Error>:    33  App                          0x00101d74 wrapper_managed_to_native_MonoTouch_ObjCRuntime_Messaging_void_objc_msgSend_intptr_intptr + 100`

Removing Pixate from the project fixes the crash.

Think I remember seeing this somewhere before - if so, I apologize.

dhaligas commented 10 years ago

Seeing the same issue. Any workarounds?

ryanwischkaemper commented 10 years ago

@bscheiman Is this error occuring when using custom renderers? i.e. Not adding Pixate to the primary Xamarin.Forms app - only to the platform specific projects where the renderers are written

bscheiman commented 10 years ago

Assuming I have this:

I only added Pixate to App.iOS. Since then, I've removed Pixate and have added several custom renderers

dhaligas commented 10 years ago


flashvnn commented 9 years ago

i created demo example using Xamarin Forms with PixateFreestyle here: https://github.com/flashvnn/XamarinForms-PixateFreestyle