Pixate / pixate-freestyle-ios

Pixate Freestyle for iOS
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UIImagePicker CAMFlipButton Position #169

Open gavinjpotts opened 9 years ago

gavinjpotts commented 9 years ago

I'm noticing that in the UIImagePicker Camera view, the Flip button is pushed out about 15 pixels to the right, cutting it off. I disabled all of my styles, but the issue only went away when i disabled Freestyle altogether.

Anyone else seeing this with the image picker?


angelvasa commented 9 years ago

yep.. me too.

I am also stuck.. anyone know the solution ? any help will appreciated Thanks

gavinjpotts commented 9 years ago

@angelvasa I ended up manually digging through the layers and moving it. Not elegant at all but it got the job done. This application helped dig down to it: http://revealapp.com/

angelvasa commented 9 years ago

Hey @gavinjpotts Thanks for your reply :)

I have tried.

[self presentViewController:self.imagePickerController animated:YES completion:^{
        iterate views of imagePickerController
        and changed frame of CAMFlipButton

It shows correct.

but when I click on flip button the frame changes to out of screen again.

any suggestion ? Thanks

angelvasa commented 9 years ago

After digging I found one solution,

in UIView+PXStyling category

You can put

if ([NSStringFromClass([self class]) isEqualToString:@"CAMFlipButton"]) {
        mode = PXStylingNone;

in below method

- (void)setStyleMode:(PXStylingMode) mode

It will work as expected. Thanks