Pixate / pixate-freestyle-ios

Pixate Freestyle for iOS
Apache License 2.0
848 stars 134 forks source link

PixateFreestyle doesn't work well in iOS 9 beta #178

Open markddaa opened 9 years ago

markddaa commented 9 years ago

what I did:

  1. I use Xcode 7 beta, simulator iOS 9 beta, and Object-C
  2. create a demo project with one button and a UIAlertViewController with textfield
  3. add "pod 'PixateFreestyle'" in the podfile
  4. run pod install
  5. import <PixateFreestyle/PixateFreestyle.h> and add [PixateFreestyle initializePixateFreestyle]; in main.m
  6. run the app

what I got:


the textfield size is incorrect

===============source code=============


tobiasgr commented 9 years ago

+1, in a swift project it is enough to just add the pod to the project, you do not even have to do number 5.

tobiasgr commented 9 years ago

A work-around:

collection-view collection-view-cell > view{ width: 270px; }

markddaa commented 9 years ago

works on alert textfield but also affects on collection view cell.....

tobiasgr commented 9 years ago

Yeah, skipped this workaround myself, since it conflicted with uiactivityviewcontroller, and rewrote the app to not contain any alerts with input fields. I guess Pixate Freestyle is kind of dead...

Pitsko commented 9 years ago

one more workaround

var list = alertController.view.subviews as! [UIView] for _ in 0 ..< 7 { list = list.flatMap { (view) in return view.subviews as! [UIView] } }

           for view in list {
               if view is UICollectionView {
                   view.styleClass = "fix_text_field_in_alert_view"

where .fix_text_field_in_alert_view collection-view-cell > view { width: 270px; }

markddaa commented 9 years ago

@Pitsko that works! thx so much for the provided workaround. Hopefully Pixate will update their product to support iOS 9 soon