PixelRidge-Softworks / SurvivalPlus

Change the way you think about Survival!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion] huds #25

Open H3L1P4 opened 2 years ago

H3L1P4 commented 2 years ago

The idea you provided in the nutrient system is very interesting but it would be possible to come up with something close to this:


https://i.ibb.co/BLYDcbT/diet-screen.png With a custom resource pack or change the values ​​for % in the scoreboard ex protein 10%

A custom hud with temperature resource pack with and your seat level



expxx commented 2 years ago

I doubt this is possible without mods, I know the first one is, but the last 2 just might be possible.

VetheonGames commented 2 years ago

Without mods, the first instance is simply not possible.

One can make GUIs, and such within MC Java with plugins but not fully custom 3D models.

Fully Custom 3D models, such as that, are certainly possible with MC Bedrock edition, but not on Java. At least not yet.

The last two however, are possible with plugins. And are in fact planned features actually and have been for a while.

However, we have many plans to finish before we can actually implement it though. Namely the v5 codebase redo.

For the next major version, v5.0.0, we are redoing a large amount of the codebase for the sake of future-proofing the code, and making as many optimizations as possible.

After that, we are switching up a few things with how we run and develop Survival Plus.

It's at that point that we will be looking at adding in these new features and suggestions.

This will be implemented at that time.

NightSling commented 2 years ago

@VetheonGames Is it possible to display Unicode in the action bar? If yes, can we prob create a resource texture for that Unicode?

VetheonGames commented 2 years ago

@VetheonGames Is it possible to display Unicode in the action bar? If yes, can we prob create a resource texture for that Unicode?

Yeah you can use a resource pack to edit the action bar.

There's actually a plugin that already adds thirst and heat and stuff to the action bar. So I know it is possible.

I just wouldn't know how they did it without going over their code.