PixelRidge-Softworks / SurvivalPlus

Change the way you think about Survival!
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 11 forks source link

[Bug]: SurvivalPlus is not working coractly. #6

Closed ErythroCraft closed 2 years ago

ErythroCraft commented 2 years ago


This time I got any plroblems with spigot 1.18.2 and SurvivlePlus 4.0.7-Beta On my server the following options are not working.

# Settings

# Notes in this config are lost on updates if the config file changes
# If you would like to see the notes, delete this file and it will regenerate with notes
# (Make sure to backup your config file)

# Preset language file includes in-game messages, item names, lore, etc.
# Language options are EN (English) or CN (Chinese)

# IMPORTANT NOTE: This release is in **BETA** meaning there may be bugs in it.
# If you find bugs, please report them to us via opening a Issue on GitHub here: https://github.com/Pixelated-Studios/SurvivalPlus/issues
# If you require support, please join our Discord Server here: https://discord.gg/k8wvnZDDTV
Language: EN

  # Enable the SurvivalPlus resource pack for players
  EnableResourcePack: true
  # The link to the pack, you can put a custom link here if need be
  ResourcePackURL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fq6or9vvcup7wvd/SP-1.14v6.zip?dl=1
  # Notify players when they log in if they deny the resource pack
  NotifyMessage: true

# The distance from the player at which other players will see their chat messages
# -1 = disabled
LocalChatDist: -1

# Disable player's coords in the Minecraft debug screen
NoPos: true

# When a player joins, they will get a link to a simple starter guide
  Enabled: true
  # Only send to players the first time they log in
  NewPlayersOnly: false
  # Delay in seconds until this message appears
  Delay: 5

  # When enabled, the basic custom SurvivalPlus items will be included in the game
  Enabled: true

  # With this enabled, players will only be able to craft items which they have unlocked recipes for
  LimitedCrafting: false

  # If true, all custom recipes will be unlocked when a player joins
  # If false, recipes will be unlocked as a player advances thru the game
  Unlock-all-recipes-on-join: true

  # When enabled, all vanilla wooden tool recipes will be removed
  # This makes gameplay a little more difficult
  Remove-Wooden-Tools: true

  # With these enabled, players will only be able to break most blocks with the correct tools
    Axe: true
    Pickaxe: true
    Shovel: true
    Shears: true
    Sickle: true

  # Enable each sickle individually
  # (note: if BreakOnlyWith.Sickle = false or Survival.Enabled = false, these will be ignored)
  # (note: diamond and iron sickles rely on stone sickles in their recipe, so its best to leave stone enabled if diamond or iron are enabled)
    Flint: true
    Stone: true
    Iron: true
    Diamond: false

  # With this enabled, players will need a hammer in their off hand to place most buildable blocks
    Hammer: false

  # The rates at which items will drop (Value between 0.01 -> 1.0)
    # Dropped when breaking gravel
    Flint: 0.5
    # Dropped when breaking leaves
    Stick: 0.25

  # Enables custom torch recipes
  Torch: true

  # Enables updating trade options for merchants (ie: Villagers) with custom items equivalent to the trade option
  # Ex: An armorer offers diamond chestplate -> diamond chestplate with the slowness attribute
  # Ex: A toolsmith offers diamond hoe -> diamond sickle
  UpdateMerchantTrades: true

  # This is an experimental feature, I recommend not using it
  SharedWorkbench: false

  # When enabled the night will not skip to day when players sleep
  Prevent-Night-Skip: false

  # When enabled, players will slow down when wearing heavy armor such as diamond or gold armor
  SlowArmor: true
  # Enables recipes for reinforced leather armor
  ReinforcedLeatherArmor: true

  # When enabled, players will only be able to shoot a bow/crossbow from their main hand
  # They will also need to have arrows in their offhand to shoot a bow/load a crossbow
  Bow: true
  # Enables the recurved bow and crossbow
  RecurveBow: true
  # Enables grappling hooks
  GrapplingHook: true
  # Enables the medical kit
  MedicalKit: true
  # Reduced recipes for iron/gold nuggets
  ReducedIronNugget: false
  ReducedGoldNugget: false

  # Shows the players different status levels in a scoreboard
  StatusScoreboard: true
  # Interval for alert messages [in seconds] (Currently used to warn players when thirst/nutrients are low)
  AlertInterval: 20

  # Applies hunger to players when eating raw meat
  RawMeatHunger: true

  # Players can empty potions in a workbench
  EmptyPotions: true

  # When consuming poisonous potatoes, apply a few extra effects to the player
  PoisonousPotato: true

  # Eating cookies will boost a player's health
  CookieHealthBoost: true

  # Eating beetroots will boost a player's strength
  BeetrootStrength: true

  # Players will need to eat a different variety of foods to stay nourished
    enabled: true
    # Max level for each nutritional value
      carbs: 50000
      salts: 50000
      proteins: 50000
    # The level the player will start with
      proteins: 240
      carbs: 960
      salts: 360
    # The level the player will get after dying
      proteins: 120
      carbs: 480
      salts: 180
    # Each nutrition section has different effects when player's levels are too low
        # Exhaustion amplifier will differ based on server difficulty level
          easy: 2
          normal: 4
          hard: 8
        exhaustion-amplifier: 1
        # Status effects/amplifiers can differ based on server difficulty level
            # The effect (uses Bukkit PotionEffectTypes)
            # You can find these effects here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
            effect: WEAKNESS
            # The amplifying level (0 = tier 1, 1 = tier 2)
            amplifier: 0
            # The time in seconds this effect will last for
            duration: 20
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 1
            duration: 20
        exhaustion-amplifier: 1
        # Status effects/amplifiers can differ based on server difficulty level
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 0
            duration: 20
            effect: WEAKNESS
            amplifier: 1
            duration: 20

  # When enabled, players will need to drink water to replenish their thirst levels
    Enabled: true
    # The level of thirst a player starts out with (max = 40)
    Starting-Amount: 30
    # The level of thirst a player gets after respawning after death (max = 40)
    Respawn-Amount: 30
    # Enables 3 different levels of water (dirty, clean, purified)
    PurifyWater: true
    MeltSnow: true
    # The rate at which a player's thirst level will drop (value from 0.01 -> 1.0)
    DrainRate: 1.0
    # If player is in a HOT biome, drain 1 extra thirst point every X seconds
    # This helps speed up thirst draining when a player is in a hot biome like the desert or savannah
    # (ex: at a rate of 30, thirst drops 2 points a minute, which means the player would lose all thirst in 20 minutes)
    # If set to 0, this will be disabled
    HeatDrain: 30
    # If player is in the nether, drain 1 extra thirst point every X seconds
    # This helps speed up thirst draining when a player is in the nether
    # (ex: at a rate of 30, thirst drops 2 points a minute, which means the player would lose all thirst in 20 minutes)
    # If set to 0, this will be disabled
    NetherDrain: 30
    # The amount of damage a player takes when their thirst level is empty
    DamageRate: 1.0
    # The level of thirst that will be replenished when a player consumes this item
      beetroot-soup: 6
      melon-slice: 6
      mushroom-stew: 12
      water-bowl: 10
      coffee: 23
      cold-milk: 15
      hot-milk: 10
      milk-bucket: 30
      honey-bottle: 16
      # Only used if PurifyWater is enabled
      dirty-water: 13
      clean-water: 18
      purified-water: 23
      # This can be used for any other water bottle (such as custom ones or just vanilla water bottles)
      # If you do not want players to get thirst from other water bottles leave this at 0
      other-water: 0
      # Only used if PurifyWater is disabled
      water: 18

  # Players will have an energy level out of 20, as it drops, players will get weak and suffer some bad effects
    # With this enabled, players will need to sleep often or risk losing energy
    enabled: true
    # The amount of energy a player will start with (out of 20.0)
    start-level: 20.0
    # The amount of energy a player will get after they respawn (out of 20.0)
    respawn-level: 20.0
    # Warn the player via message when energy starts dropping below 10
    warning: true
    # The amount of energy a player loses every 5 seconds of gameplay
    # Default (0.015) equivalent to 3.6 levels in 1 MC day (20 minutes)
    drain-rate: 0.015
    # If the player is in a cold biome, exposed to the sky, drain energy quicker
    # Default (0.015) equivalent to 3.6 levels in 1 MC day (20 minutes)
    # Setting to 0 will disable this
    cold-drain-rate: 0.015
    # Every 5 seconds a player spends in bed, the level of energy to increase
    sleeping-refresh-rate: 0.83 # Default (0.83) equivalent to 10 levels in 1 minute
    # Every 5 seconds a player spends sitting in a chair, the level of energy to increase
    # (Will only work if chairs are enabled)
    chair-refresh-rate: 0.25 # Default (0.41) equivalent to 3 levels in 1 minute
    # Players doing exhaustive tasks (such as mining, running, jumping) will lose energy quicker
    # Amount to drop per exhaustion reset (when the player's hunger bar drops) (set to 0 to disable)
    exhaustion: 0.15
    # Enables coffee recipes and effects (Drink coffee to regain energy)
    coffee: true
    # Player will get a few minutes of absorption when their energy is high
    absorption: true
    # Player will get a few minutes of haste when their energy is high
    haste: true

    # The level of hunger a player starts out with (max = 40)(this is a mixture of hunger and saturation)
    Starting-Amount: 30
    # The level of hunger a player will receive after respawning after death (max = 40)
    Respawn-Amount: 30

  # Players can set a waypoint to a location using a compass
    enabled: true
    # Whether a player is able to set a point for each world
    per-world: true
  # Players can eat a tropical fish to teleport to their waypoint
  # (Clownfish was the old type that's why this is still here)
  Clownfish: true

  # Enables fermented skin recipes
  FermentedSkin: true

  # Enables living slime
  LivingSlime: true

  # When a player throws a snowball it will place a snow layer on the ground
  SnowballRevamp: true

  # Currently disabled, do not use!!!
  SnowGenerationRevamp: false

    Bread: true
    Cookie: true

  # Enables chairs and the blocks that can be used for chairs
    Enabled: true
    MaxChairWidth: 2
    # These must be Bukkit material Enums
    # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
      - OAK_STAIRS

    Enabled: false
    # Time (in seconds) before torch will burn out
    BurnoutTime: 60
    # If burnout torches can be re-lit
    Relightable: true
    # If non persistent torches will drop a torch when broken, if disabled will drop a stick
    DropTorch: true
    # If persistent torches are enabled
    PersistentTorches: true

  # These mechanics change how weather affects the player
    Enabled: false
    # Speed modifiers adjust player's speed based on weather
      # This is the base speed (vanilla speed = 0.10) when a player is in normal conditions
      base: 0.10
      # The speed when the player is in the rain
      rain: 0.085
      # The speed when the player is in the rain and its thundering
      storm: 0.075
      # The speed when the player is walking on snow
      snow: 0.065
      # The speed when the player is walking in a snow storm
      snowstorm: 0.05

# Mechanics that flow around items
    # The amount of ticks it takes to cook/smelt an item with the FireStriker (default 100 ticks = 5 seconds)
    cook-time: 100

# Mechanics that flow around entities
  # When a player opens a chest in the nether, and it contains gold items, zombie pigmen will attack the player
    enabled: false
    # Max radius to check for zombie pigmen around chests
    distance: 24
    # Speeds up the pigmen when they are triggered (1.0 = no increase in speed)
    speed-modifier: 1.3
  # When a player has a beekeeper suit on they will not take damage from bee stings
    enabled: true
  # When a player kills a zombie/zombie villager/drowned/husk/zombie horse they may drop suspicious meat
  # This meat has a random chance of a good or bad effect added to it
    enabled: true
    # Chance of drops (out of 100)
    chance: 15
  # When enabled, breeding chickens will not spawn baby chickens, but rather drop eggs
  # The eggs that drop during breeding will always spawn a chicken
  # The eggs that drop naturally by chickens are not affected by this
    enabled: true
    # The maximum amount of eggs that will drop when breeding (random between 1 and this number)
    max-eggs: 4
    # Chickens spawned from eggs will always be a baby
    always-baby: true
    # The amount of ticks this chicken will be a baby for
    # If 'always-baby = false' this time will only be applied to baby chickens
    # Vanilla default = 24,000 ticks = 20 minutes
    baby-ticks: 48000
    # When enabled, if a piglin drops a water bottle they'll drop purified/clean water instead
    # Thirst needs to be enabled for this to work
    drop-purified-water: true
    # When enabled, piglins have a chance of randomly dropping custom SurvivalPlus items
    alternate-bartering: true

# Enables custom recipes (Overrides vanilla recipes)
# Disable these if you prefer to just use the vanilla recipes
  Saddle: true
  Nametag: true
  PackedIce: true
  LeatherBard: true
  IronBard: true
  GoldBard: true
  DiamondBard: true
  ClayBrick: true
  QuartzBlock: true
  WoolString: true
  WebString: true
  Ice: true
  Clay: true
  Diorite: false
  Granite: false
  Andesite: false
  Gravel: true
  Slimeball: true
  Cobweb: true
  SaplingToSticks: true
  FishingRod: true
  Furnace: true
  Workbench: true

# Enables legendary items
  ValkyrieAxe: true
  QuartzPickaxe: true
  ObsidianMace: true
  GiantBlade: true
  BlazeSword: true
  NotchApple: true
  GoldArmorBuff: true