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classic models for the main campaign? #3

Open sDetective opened 2 years ago

sDetective commented 2 years ago

is it possible for there to be a other version of the game with classic models instead of HD.

slambo311 commented 1 year ago

They're already the classic models, what do you mean?

sDetective commented 1 year ago

there isn't an option to change it to classic like normal half-life in the options

slambo311 commented 1 year ago

The option to change it between HD and classic is only in the Steam version of Half-Life, and Half-Life Source. This is based on the WON version of Half-Life, which doesn't have any HD models to begin with.

slambo311 commented 1 year ago

The closest thing to HD models in the WON version of Half-Life is in the player models used in multiplayer, and even then, it doesn't look anything like the actual HD models.

sDetective commented 1 year ago

Okay then I thought there was a way to have HD models on it

slambo311 commented 1 year ago

There is a way to have HD models, using mods and the "local ZIP file" setting.

sDetective commented 1 year ago

you can use mods? I've thought of something like that but I never knew that would work