Pixplicity / gene-rate

Generate a better rating for your Android app
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 17 forks source link

'setMinimumInstallTime(int)' in 'com.pixplicity.generate.Rate.Builder' cannot be applied to '(long)' #20

Closed echopros closed 6 years ago

echopros commented 6 years ago

hi. how are you guys. i faced this issue i searched for the solution in many forum but no way to resolve it: 'setMinimumInstallTime(int)' in 'com.pixplicity.generate.Rate.Builder' cannot be applied to '(long)'

other issue, also the .setSnackBarParent(root) root is marked by red and gives the error : Cannot resolve symbol 'root'.

please can you help me, by the way your code is awsome. i like it very much thanks for sharing.

mlagerberg commented 6 years ago

Correct, the setMinimumInstallTime expects an int, not a long. You'll have to change your code to use an integer, or cast your long to an int.

Regarding the other error: Replace root with the view you want the snackbar to appear in. I can't give you more details than that. You'll have to check your own code, I can't help you with this since you have simply copy-pasted the example without adjusting it for your own program.

pflammertsma commented 6 years ago

I think the questions you have here concerning Gene-Rate are more generic beginner programming challenges, and focussing too much on this won't get you the kind of guidance to improve. Perhaps take a few steps back to become familiarized with Java or Kotlin and the Android SDK in general?