Pixplicity / gene-rate

Generate a better rating for your Android app
Apache License 2.0
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Checkbox unchecked color #6

Closed mruijzendaal closed 6 years ago

mruijzendaal commented 7 years ago

I noticed that the checkbox is colored dark in a similar color that the snackbar has when it's unchecked (making it nearly unvisible). According to Material Design, it has to colored light on a dark background.

I checked out the in_snackbar.xml layout file and noticed a lot of attributes like ?android:attr/textColorSecondaryInverse.

A solution to both this checkbox 'bug' and the unothodoxy in the attributes, I propose setting the android:theme attribute to @style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark in the root LinearLayout. Then the checkbox will be themed according to the theme (dark theme -> light checkbox), and all other attributes can be referenced without the Inverse suffix.

mruijzendaal commented 7 years ago

7 should show a start. I didn't compile the project but perhaps it's working already.

mlagerberg commented 6 years ago

Indeed the Snackbar did not correctly handle a dark theme and would only show correctly if the enclosing activity had a light theme. Your pull request fixes the issue, I will merge it. Thanks!

mruijzendaal commented 6 years ago

Sorry to bother you here, but is there any way I can download the 1.1.5 version? With the compile 'com.pixplicity.generate:library:1.+' code I can't seem to find the merges of #2 and #7, eventhough 1.1.5 is published after that. When manually changing to compile 'com.pixplicity.generate:library:1.1.5' gradle gives me a "Failed to resolve" error.

mlagerberg commented 6 years ago

No problem! Seems like our upload to Bintray has gotten a little fucky. While we try to fix it, you can download 1.1.5 manually here.

mruijzendaal commented 6 years ago

Thanks again!

mlagerberg commented 6 years ago

The issue is resolved! Had to bump version numbers for it, so you can now use Gene-rate using compile 'com.pixplicity.generate:library:1.1.6'.