Pkcs11Interop / Pkcs11Interop.X509Store

Easy to use PKCS#11 based X.509 certificate store
Apache License 2.0
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Support ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm and added SignData #3

Closed vazmuten closed 5 years ago

vazmuten commented 5 years ago

Updated Pkcs11RsaProvider to support ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm in order to be possible the Private key to be imported into X509Certificate2 object. Also added correct SignData method which is commonly used.

Added properties: private byte[] _cspBlob;

Updated methods: // added _cspBlob data generation from RSACryptoServiceProvider using the PublicKey internal Pkcs11RsaProvider(Pkcs11X509CertificateContext certContext)

Added methods: public override byte[] SignData(byte[] data, int offset, int count, HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithm, RSASignaturePadding padding) public CspKeyContainerInfo CspKeyContainerInfo //NOTE not presize could be improved public byte[] ExportCspBlob(bool includePrivateParameters) public void ImportCspBlob(byte[] _cspBlob)

Possible usage: // Load the Pkcs11X509Store Pkcs11X509Store store = new Pkcs11X509Store(@"C:\Windows\SysWow64\cmP11.dll", new ConstPinProvider("1234"));

Pkcs11X509Certificate pkcs11cert = store.Slots[0].Token.Certificates[0];

// Crate X509Certificate2 object with just a certificate X509Certificate2 x509Certificate2 = new X509Certificate2(pkcs11cert.Info.RawData);

// Get PKCS#11 based private key RSA rsaPrivateKey = (RSA)pkcs11cert.GetRSAPrivateKey();

//Set the private key to be used by Pkcs11RsaProvider Pkcs11RsaProvider pkcs11RsaPrivateKey = (Pkcs11RsaProvider)rsaPrivateKey;

// Extend X509Certificate2 with the private key x509Certificate2.PrivateKey = pkcs11RsaPrivateKey;

// Do the signature
byte[] sig = x509Certificate2.GetRSAPrivateKey().SignData(input, hashAlgorithmName, rSASignaturePadding);

vazmuten commented 5 years ago

Will send a new one without SignData method