PkmX / lcamera

A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
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can i use L camera in kitkat for 60/ 120 fps #154

Closed karthi1 closed 9 years ago

karthi1 commented 9 years ago

i m reverting my nexus 5 to android 4.4.4 again. so will i b able to use this app in kitkat for recording 60/120 fps. if its possible in any way ????

Virkkunen commented 9 years ago

Impossible. As stated, this app requires the Camera API 2, that is only available on Lollipop.

PkmX commented 9 years ago

In theory, that is possible (the hack was originally developed on 4.4). However, you could only do it by hooking into various low-level qualcomm-specific API, so it is not going to be anywhere close to be user-friendly.