PlaceAVote / pav-api

This repository contains the Placeavote API.
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Sending birthday data to the backend in multiple formats does not result in an error. #33

Closed SudoPlz closed 8 years ago

SudoPlz commented 8 years ago

I tried calling the /user endpoint giving it "dob": "MM/DD/YYYY", value and it accepted it, then I tried giving it a "dob": "DD/MM/YYYY", value and it accepted that too.

Then I tried feeding it with an epoch timestamp 2117514496 but it did not accept that (I believe that way is a bit cleaner).

So this is both a bug (the first part) and a feature request (the second part).

sanel commented 8 years ago

Here are proposed regexes for dob-schema validation:

johnboy14 commented 8 years ago

@ioannis suggested sending a UTC timestamp instead of a textual representation. I think its a better and more universal approach