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workplace/book/spaces/find: Rooms listed as available when they are not, if the events span multiple weeks #72

Closed w-le closed 2 years ago

w-le commented 2 years ago

0fd1cd0 | Built: Today at 1:29PM

When searching for a room available now, this free_busy request is made: https://REDACTED/api/staff/v1/calendars/free_busy?period_start=1632212700&period_end=1632214500&zone_ids=zone-Cd-0i6y~Xp&capacity=0

with this response: imageThe epochs in that first system are: 1626559200: 2 months ago 1632693600: 6 days from now The event that occupies this period is a single, long all-day booking that I've confirmed to be status: busy and Accepted by the room mailbox, so it should not be displayed as available to end users. staff-api seems to correctly return that the above period is busy but it seems the frontend search results are not taking this into account when displaying the list of available rooms. In this example, the room should NOT be listed as available, yet workplace app lists it as available.

MrYuion commented 2 years ago

Hmm... @w-le, I'm not expecting that calendar to be returned at all.

w-le commented 2 years ago

fix tested OK

w-le commented 2 years ago

As an extension of this fix, can you also ensure that the workplace/dashboard page's "Free rooms now" tile uses the updated availability list logic? Currently it is listing some rooms as available which have been booked out (long term all day events). in particular this example:

staff-api response to free_busy request:

availability: [{status: "busy", starts_at: 1631484000, ends_at: 1632693600, timezone: "Etc/GMT"}]   # epochs are -9d and +5d, so room should be unavailble, yet DASHBOARD states this room is available now
id: "room_adsr_2r2027@REDACTED"
system: {created_at: 1631864995, ...
w-le commented 2 years ago

confirmed dashboard fix worked