Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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Android ARM64 Plugins #141

Closed martindevans closed 5 years ago

martindevans commented 5 years ago

According to this blog post by Unity:

If you’re using custom native plugins, you should modify your build scripts to include ARM64 architecture. If you rely on third party native plugins, reach out to your plugin provider for ARM64 support.

This means we need to ship pure ARM64 plugins with Unity for Opus and AudioPluginDissonance.

martindevans commented 5 years ago

Magic leap is an ARM64 android-like platform, so this will be related to work on #125

martindevans commented 5 years ago

I have ARM64 plugins ready for testing, but before I include them in an official release I'd really appreciate some testing in a real-world application. Can anyone who is using Dissonance with an android platform please contact me ( with you invoice number and I'll send you the new plugin binaries to test.

martindevans commented 5 years ago

Dissonance 6.3.1 just went live on the asset store, check out the release notes for all the details. This release includes Android ARM64 plugins (disabled on 2017.4, since that version does not support ARM64 target).