Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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Dissonance For Mirror Networking is not the latest version in asset store #150

Closed shiena closed 5 years ago

shiena commented 5 years ago

Currently, Dissonance For Mirror Networking is the latest version 6.3.6, but the asset store version is 6.3.1. This version does not work with the latest Mirror in the asset store.

Are you not distributing version 6.3.6 in the asset store?

martindevans commented 5 years ago

Sorry about this, there's been a bit of confusion about the versioning with Mirror+Dissonance. Traditionally the version of an integration is the version of the minimum Dissonance version it works with. So we initially released Dissonance-MirrorIgnorance-6.3.1 with Dissonance 6.3.1, however there were then multiple changed versions of Mirror during the time that Dissonance 6.3.1 was the latest version so we ended up with a slightly odd versioning scheme (bumping the minor version of the integration). It's all a bit confusing!

I've just double checked that the version on the store is the correct version - it's equivalent to the Dissonance-MirrorIgnorance-6.3.6 package previously released here.

I imported that into a project with Dissonance and Mirror from the store and it looks like it all works - what problem did you encounter?

shiena commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry. I was mistaken for an error when combined with the old Dissonance. The asset store version of Dissonance For Mirror Networking works well.