Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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UWP Plugins configured wrong causing build error #174

Closed Alexees closed 4 years ago

Alexees commented 4 years ago

The AudioPluginDissonance.dll's and Opus.dlls cause an issue when building for UWP throwing this error:

Plugin <Plugin> must have identical settings for all SDKs

Even though the dlls for ARM might only be used on UWP, either all 3 apperances (x32, x64, ARM) need to be set to UWP, or all to Any SDK. A mix is not allowed.

martindevans commented 4 years ago

Is it showing the Platform Settings > Scripting backend not set to Any Scripting Backend for you? If so, which version of Unity are you using?

I see them as all set to Any Scripting Backend on my local copy (2017.4), if you're not using that then I guess this is some kind of import/export problem associated with how we build the package for distribution through the asset store.

Alexees commented 4 years ago

Yes, for ARM they were set to UWP only. I'm using 2018.4.12f1. I checked that in two of my project and one if them is a fresh import from the store.

martindevans commented 4 years ago

Thanks for checking that. I'll have to double check that these settings have exported properly next time we do an update (in a week or two most likely).

martindevans commented 4 years ago

Dissonance 6.4.4 just went live, that should fix this for all Unity versions.