Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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[help] Dissonance With Mirror Thru Fizzy Steamworks #211

Closed CookiesOfficial closed 3 years ago

CookiesOfficial commented 3 years ago

Hello, It only looks like this is designed to work with ignorance but was wondering if it could simply work through fizzy steamworks as well.

Dissonance Version - 17.3.0

Unity Version - 2020.1.6f1

Operating System - Windows 10 x86 10.0.19041


martindevans commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately the Editor.log didn't show any signs of what could be causing the problem.

There are a couple of other things you could check to try and narrow the issue down.

1) One of the Mirror developers submitted a fix to FizzySteamworks a month ago. (see this Discord message). Could you check that you have this fix included in the version of FizzySteamworks you are using. If you do not have that fix, please update to a version that includes it.

2) If that doesn't fix it there may be another issue with FizzySteamworks. Please find the MirrorIgnoranceCommsNetwork component in the scene (both on the client and on the server). And check a few things:


On the server side:

On the client side:

CookiesOfficial commented 3 years ago
  1. It Is In My Unity Project. Ive Checked It. But didnt fix anything.
  2. Ive Taken Pictures For This Client: Client Server + Client: Server
martindevans commented 3 years ago

Note: continued discussion on Discord. here:

cucumberOwl commented 3 years ago

I am having this same issue with trying to use Dissonance with Mirror through FizzySteamworks. I am unable to see any of the discussions through the Discord URL provided. Do I need to add a certain discord server to see the continued discussion?

martindevans commented 3 years ago

@cucumberOwl That's on our support server, here's an invite link: :)

martindevans commented 3 years ago

Closing this since we moved over to Discord.