Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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[Bug] - Dissonance doesn't seem to let go of audio resources #229

Closed Sckir closed 3 years ago

Sckir commented 3 years ago


In our project we have to support more than one VoIP Solution. When we start a VoIP session with Dissonance there seems to be no issue at all, when we start one with VoIP#2 no issue either.

But, if we start with Dissonance and then switch over to VoIP#2 we get strange "popping sounds" on the microphone.

Expected Behavior

VoIP is clear on both services regardless of previously having created a session with Dissonance or not.

Actual Behavior

If we start a Dissonance VoIP session and then move on to VoIP#2 we get a popping sound on the microphone and not the other way around.


Speculation leads me to believe that upon closing the session Dissonance isn't letting go of the input/ouput resources in Unity.

martindevans commented 3 years ago

Hi Sckir, did you manage to fix this?

RicardoAlmeida-IVRE commented 3 years ago

So when you create your audio clip and set a callback to feed data into it, would be my first guess as to the root.

We solved this by forcing the next created clip to be zeroed out.

Seems like even after shutting down a Dissonance channel and destroying every unneeded object there was data left on the buffer which would be dumped in the next audio clip.