Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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Updating to latest unity version causing some issues #245

Closed FedericoStefan closed 2 years ago

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

Follow up of this page:

So updating caused these three issues (I updated to the latest Unity 2021 version available) Server\ServerRelay.cs(68,20): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'System.ArraySegment<byte>' Client\PeerVoiceReceiver.cs(119,21): error CS0815: Cannot assign void to an implicitly-typed variable Playback\DecoderPipeline.cs(141,17): error CS0815: Cannot assign void to an implicitly-typed variable

The first error leads to this: data = data.CopyTo(data.Array); The second error: var frame = reader.ReadByteSegment().CopyTo(_byteArrPool.Get()); The last/third error: var frameCopy = packet.EncodedAudioFrame.CopyTo(_bytePool.Get());

martindevans commented 2 years ago

These errors are all caused by Unity adding a new method CopyTo which has a different signature to a CopyTo method we had already created.

They should all be fixed in the latest version of Dissonance. If you'd rather not upgrade Dissonance for some reason you may be able to replace all those CopyTo calls with CopyToSegment which is our new replacement (that method may not exist if you're on a really old version of Dissonance).

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

Fixed it. also follow up to the past forum i still cant hear other people. The playback prefab has this. Screenshot_449

martindevans commented 2 years ago

Does the demo scene work?

Edit: Just a note that "No Active Session" in this context means "not currently speaking", it's nothing to do with the network session (that often confuses people).

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

Does the demo scene work?

Edit: Just a note that "No Active Session" in this context means "not currently speaking", it's nothing to do with the network session (that often confuses people).

I will try now

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

Does the demo scene work?

Edit: Just a note that "No Active Session" in this context means "not currently speaking", it's nothing to do with the network session (that often confuses people).

It still doesnt work sadly.

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

Wait it actually works @martindevans ! But i hear the audio i think distorted? It doesnt show active session but some packets and other stuff, so it means it works but i hear a clicking sound when players start speaking and stop speaking, and i dont hear them.

Heres a video showing the issue (I think its caused due to the audio being really loud even though it isnt?)

martindevans commented 2 years ago

On your other issue you mentioned that you're using Dissonance V6.4.1. This is a very old version and we've fixed a lot of bugs since then! Can you upgrade to the latest version (8.0.3) to see if that fixes it?

FedericoStefan commented 2 years ago

I'm going to try to, my project is 130gb or more lol. So it will take a while.