Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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[HELP] Netcode for GameObjects integration and protocols #275

Closed dioniunity3d closed 1 year ago

dioniunity3d commented 1 year ago

We have a developer that is building an application using Dissonance package integrated with Unity Netcode for GameObjects. The client has asked (for security reasons), what ports and protocol is used during voice chat communications. As far as the developers can see the Dissonance package relies on Netcode for Gameobjects RPCs and CustomMessages to transfer data. They don't override anything related to the Transport system set for NfGO.

Can this team help clarify this question? Also, how host/client connecting? Is it done via host via IP and port? Or, are you using relay allocation that can be reached by all clients? If is the later, then there should be a RelayAllocation setting?

martindevans commented 1 year ago

Dissonance is designed to not do any networking itself, all voice data is sent through the network integration that you choose (we have lots of free integrations as you can see here and even support custom backends). Network security was actually one of the reasons for this design - you can set up a network system with whatever security guarantees you want and then run Dissonance through it.

what ports and protocol is used during voice chat communications Is it done via host via IP and port?

Whatever you have configured in Unity Netcode for GameObjects (NFGO). Dissonance does not open any other ports.

how host/client connecting

All the Dissonance session management packets are sent through the NFGO session you have already set up. So it's connecting through that.

I hope that clarifies everything for you/your client. Please feel free to ask more questions if you're not clear on anything :)

dioniunity3d commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the detailed answer @martindevans. This is pretty clear.