Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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[bug] "Project Setup -> Installation Requirements -> Android" documentation is out of date #278

Closed TobiasWehrum closed 10 months ago

TobiasWehrum commented 10 months ago has the following content:

On Android you must request permission to use the microphone, see the Unity documentation for this here. If you use Android 6.0 or greater and API level 23 or greater there is a runtime permissions system which Unity makes available through the Android.Permissions, see the section titled "Runtime permissions in Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)" on this page.

However, the linked page doesn't include any section titled "Runtime permissions in Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)".

Also, on the linked page we have a section titled "Permissions" which says:

Unity automatically adds the necessary permissions to the manifest based on the Android Player Settings and Unity APIs that your applications calls from C# scripts. For example:

That kind of sounds like we might not have to do anything at all, considering that Dissonance probably uses the Microphone class?

martindevans commented 10 months ago

Thanks for telling me about this. I've updated the docs.

There are two types of permission request. The app manifest will ask the user for all permissions when the app starts (that's done automatically, as you pointed out). However, you can also ask at runtime (for example, if that initial dialog was refused) using the runtime permission system.