Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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[BUG] ISO Crash on iPreprocessingPipeline.Start(); #282

Closed andyspeak1993 closed 4 months ago

andyspeak1993 commented 4 months ago

crash after calling iPreprocessingPipeline.Start(); on IOS

short-term fix dont call PreprocessingPipeline.Start();

[Dissonance:Core] (15:55:36.442) AudioPluginDissonanceNative: Rnnoise is not supported on this platform Dissonance.Logs:SendLogMessage(String, LogLevel) Dissonance.Log:WriteLog(LogLevel, String) Dissonance.Audio.Capture.AudioPluginDissonanceNative:Dissonance_CreateRnnoiseState() Dissonance.Audio.Capture.RnnoisePreprocessor:set_Enabled(Boolean) Dissonance.Audio.Capture.RnnoisePreprocessor:.ctor() Dissonance.Audio.Capture.WebRtcPreprocessingPipeline:ThreadStart() Dissonance.Audio.Capture.BasePreprocessingPipeline:ThreadEntry() System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)

martindevans commented 4 months ago

The message "Rnnoise is not supported on this platform" is just a warning, it shouldn't cause any further issues. See Assets/Plugins/Dissonance/Core/Audio/Capture/AudioPluginDissonanceNative.cs line 30:

if (!_rnnoiseWarning)
    Log.Warn("Rnnoise is not supported on this platform");
    _rnnoiseWarning = true;

Do you have any details about the crash?

martindevans commented 4 months ago

I'm going to close for now. Please open a new issue and properly fill in the issue template, it includes a lot of details that I need to know to try and diagnose your issue.