Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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Dissonnance with Unity NGO, hearing myself #288

Open guillaumehf opened 1 month ago

guillaumehf commented 1 month ago

Hello, I'm running a simple NGO setup with Dissonance, and i can hear myself. (Unity 2022.3.26f1). I run a host on a Debian server, and connect 1 client from a Quest 2. When i speak, i hear my voice back with ~1s delay. This is not supposed to occur, i think. I followed the NGO setup guide provided in the documentation. What could possibly be the problem ?

martindevans commented 1 month ago

This sounds like feedback - the remote speakers play your voice, the remote mic records your voice and sends it back to you. To confirm this, try muting the host and speaking in the quest (or the other way around).

If it is feedback, I'd recommend a few steps to help reduce the problem:

guillaumehf commented 1 month ago

The point is there are no speakers and no mic on the host...

martindevans commented 1 month ago

Oh that's definitely not right! Normally in Dissonance it's almost impossible to hear yourself, because the system doesn't create an audio playback pipeline for yourself.

Can you reproduce this issue within the editor instead of the Quest? That will make it a lot easier to debug.

guillaumehf commented 1 month ago

The problem only occurs if i run the server as "host", if I run it as "server" things are working properly. Is there any internal audio loop on the server side if running as "host" ?

martindevans commented 1 month ago

In Dissonance a server can run in two modes:

So if you're running as Host that means the remote end is sending and receiving audio. If you look in the DissonanceComms inspector on the client you should see the server listed as another player. It'll show (Speaking) in the list next to people when they speak, which should help narrow down where you're hearing the audio from.