Placeholder-Software / Dissonance

Unity Voice Chat Asset
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Positional Data "not available"? #292

Open solMonke opened 1 month ago

solMonke commented 1 month ago

I'm a beginner at using this package, I just need some help with this. I have turned on Use Positional Data and the voice chat works fine, just the problem is that I cannot use position tracking, because it says "positional data not available" when i analyse the playback prefab. Help!

martindevans commented 1 month ago

Using any positional features needs position tracking setup - to do this you add a tracker component to your player objects which tells Dissonance where they are. Docs for that are here:

The exact details of position tracking depend on which network backend you're using, most will ship with a tracker component ready to go.

solMonke commented 1 month ago

where would i put the tracker component? im using photon pun 2, i have a xr origin in my scene which i control and a prefab for the remote and local players.

martindevans commented 1 month ago

The tracker needs to be attached to the player objects.

Fraccas commented 1 month ago

The tracker needs to be attached to the player objects.

What is the name of the player tracker in Photon? Others use "hlapi player", "ForgePlayer ", etc.

I'm using Photon Fusion, but I'm not seeing a "photon player" or "fusion player" component to add to my player.

martindevans commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately the current PhotonFusion package doesn't contain a player tracker implementation. You'll need to implement a custom player tracker script.