PlaceholderGames / 2016-Beyond-Time

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Git info #36

Closed StokesM closed 7 years ago

StokesM commented 8 years ago


So I have added a new folder into the top level of our repository called gitInfo. In there is a gitCheatSheet.txt (also attached to this issue) that contains some of the simple commands for git and what they do. I put this in because i thought it would be useful for people who may not be so used to using git, allowing us to get a workflow moving more quickly. The folder is also there for any more useful notes to be added in.

I feel we probably need to meet, so that we can discuss what sort of workflow we are going to use, and then I can demo how some of this is used to those who aren't sure.

I think we will just use a simple feature branch workflow. So we have master which is the definitive branch, and then any new feature is put into a new branch, which is worked on separately. Once the feature is ready we can integrate pull requests if we want, to make sure everything will go smoothly, and then merge changes.

There are other workflows, like gitflow that can be used, but the above is probably simpler, but if people want to check out gitflow and see what they think? As that may help with branch control and merging issues.

If no one has time to meet and do this though, and everyone is happy with the above workflow, then i can just write up a quick word document explaining how it would all work?


14065258 commented 7 years ago

Should we be considering this? I know mike keeps mentioning it and i thought we were using it by uploading and tracking all out stuff through git but i dunno honestly.

StokesM commented 7 years ago


We are using git, and I have tried to use the integrated tools, but they don't appear to function with git at the moment, in fact I think it just caused a crash! I think as the article says this feature was aimed at SVN and Perforce, which we aren't using. These systems would be easier to use than git with Unreal Engine! We could try it again, but last time I tried it wouldn't work at all.

Using it would have the exact same functionality anyway, apart from maybe being able to compare Blueprints and things with ease!