PlaceholderGames / 2016-SoS-Game

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Floor plan: First level (plus some thoughts on NPC movement) #2

Open FiannaG opened 7 years ago

FiannaG commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I drew up an incredibly rough floor plan in Marmoset Hexels 2:

Here's a little guide to what things represent:


I designed the room with NPC movement in mind. While I've not much experience with Unreal and others in the group were looking into player movement, I came up with a vague concept we could use:

Something like this: image

If people have other ideas, that's fine and I'm interested in hearing them. Just wanted to try and help create a starting point for us! Hope I haven't overly complicated what I'm trying to show here but it should be fairly simple

JT14064340 commented 7 years ago

I have created a basic 3d model of the floorplan as outlined here floorplan2

Here is the model in .fbx and .obj format.

14032341EJ commented 7 years ago

NPC set movement worked on, used splines and managed to get it working but was told of a different and maybe much easier way of getting smoother NPC set movement. Will look into these waypoint things. x