PlaceholderGames / 2016-SoS-Game

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HUD: Designing & Coding #22

Open FiannaG opened 7 years ago

FiannaG commented 7 years ago

Designing Stage:

Hi all, I showed everyone a rough sketch of the HUD two weeks back:


Jon suggested a design that incorporated alarm clock features so I sketched that as well:


I have now drawn up both on Photoshop:

One: image

(I for some reason added little crosses onto the original design and thought it looked pretty awful, so I removed them - have both anyway)

Two: image


Feedback is greatly appreciated and if you don't like either designs or find flaws, please let me know - it's totally fine! Once we've settled, I'll start importing the pieces into Unreal and handle the functionality

FiannaG commented 7 years ago

Basic text only placeholder:

Hey sorry it took so long to get all this uploaded. Here is a text only version of the HUD in which true is displayed as 1 and false is 0


FiannaG commented 7 years ago

Proper functional HUD:

Here is a copy of the stylized HUD implemented in Unreal. For the user's objective checklist, three icons have been used.


When the user first loads into the level, the HUD will look like this:


and change as progression is made:


For set up, I currently have 3 '...' images on the hud checklist, but two of them are currently made invisible so only the first is shown. I will next look into changing images in-game:


FiannaG commented 7 years ago


FiannaG commented 7 years ago