PlaceholderGames / 2016-SoS-Game

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Cleaning Up Game Ready For Demonstration. #44

Open 14032341EJ opened 7 years ago

14032341EJ commented 7 years ago

Have been going through issues and bugs brought up after the testing from the other group.

-Cleaned Up AI (Timers for when the AI gives up chasing the player fixed and hearing implemented) -Character Movement (Added a crouch state which then the player gives off no noise when moving, lowered the walk speed so player has a chance of getting caught by the AI if found early enough and removed the jump) -Added certain places the player can hide so now cannot just use the hide button whenever you want, also added a timer so you cant hide forever! :) -Fixed issue were AI would randomly move to a corner of the room while chasing the player (Had something to do with the size of walls/door ways.

FiannaG commented 7 years ago

The master branch was last updated 2 months ago - the only branch that has been updated recently is Jacob's which has the AI not working for me

If you guys can upload/update the Master branch with everything you've added, that would be great as I've pretty much finished with the stuff I was doing
