PlaceholderGames / 2016-SoS-Game

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AI Detection Code In Progress #5

Open nflint97 opened 7 years ago

nflint97 commented 7 years ago

This is to be used to post updates on the code we need in order for the AI to detect the player.

jonnyboy0868 commented 7 years ago

to make sure that the act ions of the A.I. is what i want it to do and be i have decided to do it though c++ using visual studio, this means taking on the unreal programming tutorials which can be found using the following link

14032341EJ commented 7 years ago

Also worked on AI detection, although basic the blueprints shown dow allow the AI character to detect the player and follow them. aidetectionsnip

JT14064340 commented 7 years ago

I have implemented this into the character movement so now the AI is able to path from point to point and also chase the player when they are seen.