PlaceholderGames / 2016-VnD_Game

2nd year computer games development group project
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First spawning ant will run in opposite direction #48

Closed elliotnaylor closed 7 years ago

elliotnaylor commented 7 years ago

The first ant coming out of the spawner will always run in the opposite direction set on the spawner.

BojanStankovic commented 7 years ago

Sometimes two ants run into the opposite direction. Have you tried increasing the interval between the 2 spawns?

napiorek commented 7 years ago

Ryan (@rbakerusw)found out that placing the wall just behind spawner or directional node underneath the spawner seems to solve the issue. If we all agree that this is a acceptable solution, then we can consider this problem as solved.

BojanStankovic commented 7 years ago

I would suggest that instead of a wall we use one of the directional nodes as a part of the spawn box. This will look nicer and it will be placed on the scene together with the spawn box

elliotnaylor commented 7 years ago

This is a fair and easy method and won't even need a push.

elliotnaylor commented 7 years ago

Peter just tested this while making an ant and it's not a suitable method, i'll work on it now

rbakerusw commented 7 years ago

Why is it not a suitable method? What was wrong?

elliotnaylor commented 7 years ago

Spawning inside the box doesn't count as collision. So it would have to fall onto it or something, i'm looking into why the first ant is being strange

BojanStankovic commented 7 years ago

I have fixed this by adding four walls as a part of the spawner object. The walls are not visible but they do detect collision depending on the direction set in the spawner. This can be a solution for this one so we can focus on other things.

Someone should review so we can merge and close it

napiorek commented 7 years ago

Tested and could not found anything wrong except one minor thing. First two ants are closer than the rest of ants, and I suspect this is because first ant going in opposite direction and bounce off the invisible wall.


Any way, well done on solving this issue @BojanStankovic

BojanStankovic commented 7 years ago

That is right, the first two ants are closer together because the first one collides with the wall first and then changes the direction to a correct one. That's how we had it with the additional cube object placed next to spawner. Maybe we could fine tune it so the walls are closer to the spawning position so the gap should be closer to the supposed one. For now this will do.

Merged. Closing