Closed ghost closed 6 years ago
Turns out I was getting this error because I was trying to convert the list of Transforms in FieldOfView.cs into GameObjects, no longer getting this issue.
A few people are now getting this same issue, we have not changed anything and this even happens on fresh clones from the master, how exactly did you fix this in the end @Darision
It seems that although this is the same error message you had the cause is different so pill post solution if one is found
Okay so i believe that this is a problem with mono develop as this (and others that come along with it) only appear when you try to build from within mono develop ( building in visual studio or just directly in unity works fine ), you can still use mono develop to edit and write code just as long as you only save and don't try to build it, running the game in unity will build it anyway.
I have tried to access the Field of View script inside myAnky.cs to allow me to return a list of objects so i can check what my anky is able to see, however when I have any reference to the Field of view script I get errors in lots of other scripts, below is a screenshot of one of the said errors.