PlaceholderGames / Team2-IL6-game

Team 2 Immersive Learning Game for IS1S465
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How to add sounds and music #22

Closed Porupu closed 6 years ago

Porupu commented 6 years ago

First you need files in .wav format (probably best to use Audacity to export .mp3 files to .wav), then just create a folder in CONTENT and import your files there.

Then you have to right click each file and select CREATE CUE (similar to extractin/creating sprites and adding paper 2D Texture settings).

Once you have that you can use those files you can use them in blueprints (such as the level blueprint, triggerbox stuff and so on) .

sounds music ^Example of level blueprint with sound/music attached to triggerbox

As for background music itself you can just literally drag the audio cue to the world and it will play as soon as the game/world starts... However it plays only once so you gotta doubleclick the audio cue and in it's blueprint add a LOOP function like so:

sounds music2

Oh and I just found out that the looping can be actually done within the WAVE PLAYER itself sounds music3