PlaceholderGames / Team3-2017

Team 3 CS2S561 game
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Level Design #11

Open brynFAMOUS opened 6 years ago

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Have a level design by 31st October for atleast a basic first level. This includes how the player interacts with the level, events that happen with sounds needed etc.

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Very Start of the game has been designed so we can start work on making it in Unity.

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

I'll draw up some designs and make sure you have them by our next lesson on Tuesday. Let me know if you have any ideas on the puzzles for escaping the rooms.

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago


davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago


davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago


davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago


davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

I've started making the lower level on Unity, I'm not sure what I've done but it doesn't seem to be level so when I'm putting the floor down the walls are lower on one side than the other. I've tried uploading it but it keeps saying it wants to edit the master copy so I'll just have to show you tomorrow.

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

I've remade the lower level so its not wonky anymore.

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

Due to the scaling errors that has happened we will be using the map that David has made within unity by moving all the assets over. The scaling error are that from moving the map over to another computer the scaling has decreased in size so it is confusing to try and implement everything into it. We are changing the current master to David's map and importing all the assets.

Etheren commented 6 years ago

David's level has now been turned into the Master branch. A backup of what was the previous master has been made, and branched off the old master with today's date. New branches will need to be made from this new master.

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

ill re-build the original level we had on top of the lower level we now have as the master by Tuesday

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

so i've built the top level but still have no idea how to get it onto git but it's there when you want it

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

I've uploaded a new branch with the upstairs in with you should be able to see now. I haven't merged anything yet just incase.

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Need to start thinking of more puzzles to have the game playable.