PlaceholderGames / Team3-2017

Team 3 CS2S561 game
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Easter break #34

Open brynFAMOUS opened 6 years ago

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone. Just wanted to find out what everyone was working on over the break or if they needed anything to do on the game?

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to sort out some hiding spot and sort out so the player can hide in them and finish the line of sight for the monster. For the hiding spots i will need to sort something out with you for that because we need to implement it in to the player code

Etheren commented 6 years ago

Im trying to do my Tool Dev and Graphics coursework, but i'm trying out ways to give the monster a walking sound so you can know when he is close.

If you'd like to implement something that the player interacts with, use the PlayerInteract Script, since it currently has my code use to open doors.

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Okay Callum, I ;ll get on that.

When are you free to talk about that Aaron?

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

Sorry only just seen this, I'm having issues with the assets, they just seem to be going in blank (no texture). Doesn't seem to be allowing me to texture just certain parts of the asset e.g. if u texture the bed wood the pillows are wood as well. I'm assuming there's a way around this I just haven't worked it out yet. Might have to get them off the unity asset store instead but they're not great. If you need me to do anything else then let me know I'll keep an eye on my emails now.

davidnewham91 commented 6 years ago

doesnt matter ive got a load of assets in now, they're currently just floating in the air at the moment as I need to sort the sizes and work out where I'm putting them. Theres a few more assets I need to fid and build some extra on the hotel. ive booked a couple of days of work so I can try get it finished.