PlaceholderGames / Team3-2017

Team 3 CS2S561 game
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QA testing #36

Open KatherineUni opened 6 years ago

KatherineUni commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

we will be QA testing your game on Monday, could we have a testing form by then?

I will attach the one for our game on this thread tomorrow :)



KatherineUni commented 6 years ago

Testing Form.docx

KatherineUni commented 6 years ago

Here ya go

Etheren commented 6 years ago

Ok, since it seems noone in group 3 is handling this, I'll make a form using Google Forms, and link it here once it's been made. I should have it done and made by Sunday.

Etheren commented 6 years ago

I've made a Google Form with a few questions regarding QA. I may be adding more questions to it over the course of Saturday and Sunday.

Only people who are signed in to Unilife and can see this link can access the form. Additionally, whoever can access it normally has edit access too. I'd like for everyone to AVOID using edits unless it is 100% necessary.

Link to access this form can be accessed by clicking this sentence.

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

When do the guys in my group wanna do QA, I was thinking maybe Wednesday?

bloodexus commented 6 years ago

Any chance of it being any sooner so if any problems are found we would have time to fix them.

<3 <3 <3

bloodexus commented 6 years ago

Have submitted my QA testing

JDavi16080254 commented 6 years ago

Submitted my QA testing too

KatherineUni commented 6 years ago


JamesHopkins97 commented 6 years ago

Submitted it.

Could I get a copy of my answers though, please?

Etheren commented 6 years ago

Yeah, i've saved it to a PDF file. JamesResponse.pdf

And thanks for the QAing guys. I can say we're trying to add stuff, but GitHub is giving us a few merge conflicts to deal with before we can put stuff into master, so it might be a nice idea to give another response once stuff has been "mostly" fixed.

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

We could do it tommorrow Adam <3 I'll talk to the guys