PlaceholderGames / Team3-2017

Team 3 CS2S561 game
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Game AI/ Enemy AI #9

Open AaronHopkins opened 6 years ago

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

Finding out how to create an AI within the game to use.

Callum2497 commented 6 years ago

Me and Aaron are going to try and make our own model for the "Monster/ Demon".

Callum2497 commented 6 years ago

Me and Aaron have now created the Monster and has been imported into the new "Monster" branch.

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

I have created a script that will allow the monster to move towards the player at a slow pace and i am having problems that allow the monster to move between points that i have placed as a route for the monster to take.

Etheren commented 6 years ago

Monster seems to walk through certain parts of walls. Are we making this a lore reason, or can this potentially be fixed?

brynFAMOUS commented 6 years ago

Add hiding spots so you can hide from the monster if it enters the same room as you, I.E under beds, in wardrobes.

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

I have fixed the monsters line of sight so that if the monster sees the player then it will charge to him. I will try and sort the hiding spots out but we would need objects for the player to hide in.

AaronHopkins commented 6 years ago

I have been trying to create a monster attack but it effects the monsters movement. when i have the code to attack then it dose not see the player with the raycast. I will try to fix it