Closed redoz closed 6 years ago
Hi @redoz - if you add the -Verbose
parameter to the New-CosmosDbCollection
do you get more detail in the error message?
I suspect though the problem might be with the Indexing Policy - so I'm just creating some new tests to validate that type of index works.
I've tested the Indexing Policy and added some new integration tests to make sure it does work. However, I haven't yet tested this against the emulator. So I'll get that done tonight.
This is the output from New-CosmosDbCollection
using -Verbose
VERBOSE: Creating authorization token: Method = 'Post', ResourceType = 'colls', ResourceId = 'dbs/@{id=DevDb; _rid=HoFNAA==; _self=dbs/HoFNAA==/; _etag="00000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4"; _colls=colls/; _users=users/; _ts=1540982055; Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; ResourceId=HoFNAA==; Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/; Collections=colls/; Users=users/}', Date = '31/10/2018 11:51:00'.
VERBOSE: POST https://localhost:8081/dbs/@{id=DevDb; _rid=HoFNAA==; _self=dbs/HoFNAA==/; _etag="00000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4"; _colls=colls/; _users=users/; _ts=1540982055; Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; ResourceId=HoFNAA==; Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/; Collections=colls/; Users=users/}/colls with 168-byte payload
VERBOSE: received -byte response of content type application/json
VERBOSE: {"code":"BadRequest","message":"Request url is invalid.\r\nActivityId: a19cd87e-bb80-4a7b-bed4-b61b8d8fea9d, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/"}
Invoke-WebRequest : {"code":"BadRequest","message":"Request url is invalid.\r\nActivityId: a19cd87e-bb80-4a7b-bed4-b61b8d8fea9d, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/"}
At C:\Users\patrik.husfloen\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\CosmosDB\\lib\utils.ps1:565 char:30
+ ... $requestResult = Invoke-WebRequest @invokeWebRequestParameters
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Method: POST, R...ication/json
}:HttpRequestMessage) [Invoke-WebRequest], HttpResponseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
And if I inspect the exception using $Error[0].Exception.RequestMessage | fc -depth 3
I get this:
class HttpRequestMessage
Version =
class Version
Major = 2
Minor = 0
Build = -1
Revision = -1
MajorRevision = -1
MinorRevision = -1
Content =
class ByteArrayContent
Headers =
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = Content-Length
Value =
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = Content-Type
Value =
Method =
class HttpMethod
Method = POST
RequestUri =
class Uri
AbsolutePath = /dbs/@%7Bid=DevDb;%20_rid=HoFNAA==;%20_self=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20_etag=%2200000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4%22;%20_colls=colls/;%20_users=users/;%20_ts=1540982055;%20Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20ResourceId=HoFNAA==;%20Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20Collections=colls/;%20Users=users/%7D/colls
AbsoluteUri = https://localhost:8081/dbs/@%7Bid=DevDb;%20_rid=HoFNAA==;%20_self=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20_etag=%2200000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4%22;%20_colls=colls/;%20_users=users/;%20_ts=1540982055;%20Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20ResourceId=HoFNAA==;%20Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20Collections=colls/;%20Users=users/%7D/colls
LocalPath = /dbs/@{id=DevDb; _rid=HoFNAA==; _self=dbs/HoFNAA==/; _etag="00000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4"; _colls=colls/; _users=users/; _ts=1540982055; Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; ResourceId=HoFNAA==; Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/; Collections=colls/; Users=users/}/colls
Authority = localhost:8081
HostNameType = Dns
IsDefaultPort = False
IsFile = False
IsLoopback = True
PathAndQuery = /dbs/@%7Bid=DevDb;%20_rid=HoFNAA==;%20_self=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20_etag=%2200000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4%22;%20_colls=colls/;%20_users=users/;%20_ts=1540982055;%20Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20ResourceId=HoFNAA==;%20Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty;%20Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/;%20Collections=colls/;%20Users=users/%7D/colls
Segments =
IsUnc = False
Host = localhost
Port = 8081
Query =
Fragment =
Scheme = https
OriginalString = https://localhost:8081/dbs/@{id=DevDb; _rid=HoFNAA==; _self=dbs/HoFNAA==/; _etag="00000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4"; _colls=colls/; _users=users/; _ts=1540982055; Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; ResourceId=HoFNAA==; Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/; Collections=colls/; Users=users/}/colls
DnsSafeHost = localhost
IdnHost = localhost
IsAbsoluteUri = True
UserEscaped = False
UserInfo =
Headers =
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = Authorization
Value =
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = x-ms-date
Value =
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 10:51:00 GMT
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = x-ms-offer-throughput
Value =
class 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]
Key = x-ms-version
Value =
Properties =
And it seems like the URL it ends up posting it to is https://localhost:8081/dbs/@{id=DevDb; _rid=HoFNAA==; _self=dbs/HoFNAA==/; _etag="00000000-0000-0000-7105-45a6f64f01d4"; _colls=colls/; _users=users/; _ts=1540982055; Etag=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; ResourceId=HoFNAA==; Timestamp=System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty; Uri=dbs/HoFNAA==/; Collections=colls/; Users=users/}/colls
and that doesn't look right to me.
Edit: This was the output from PSCore 6.1:
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 6.1.0
PSEdition Core
GitCommitId 6.1.0
OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.17763
Platform Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
WSManStackVersion 3.0
I figured it out, I was passing the database object to the -Database
parameter but I should've just provided the name.
Apologies for the noise.
Ah!!! Looking at the URI in the request, that definitely makes sense with how you were using it. That said, my plan is to actually enable this type of use as it really isn't that difficult to do.
E.g. This is what I'd like to enable in future (paraphrasing here):
$database = New-CosmosDbDatabase -Id 'mydata'
$collection = New-CosmosDbCollection -Database $database -Id 'mycollection'
New-CosmosDbDocument -Collection $collection -Id 'mydocument' -Body @{ Whatever = 'Something' }
And eventually:
New-CosmosDbDatabase -Id 'abcd' | New-CosmosDbCollection -Id 'mycollection' | New-CosmosDbDocument -Id 'mydocument' -Body @{ Whatever = 'Something' }
@PlagueHO Maybe it could be an option to apply a regex validation on the string parameter to ensure it adheres to the naming restrictions for databases and collections in Azure? That would've caught this implicit "convert object to string" behavior.
Thanks @redoz - that is a really great idea! I'll implement this!
Reopening to remind me to create a new issue to add this.
Closing now because I've created issues to add better parameter validation.
Get-Module -Name CosmosDB
):'m trying to script the creation of a collection in the emulator like so:
But I get an error on the creation of the collection:
400 Bad Request
, am I missing some required parameter here, or am I using the API wrong?For what it's worth I'm trying to create a Graph/Gremlin based database, but I also haven't seen any parameter for that?