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Friendly URLs? #367

Open paulirish opened 3 years ago

paulirish commented 3 years ago

Plan URLs are pretty opaque. Just the upload timestamp which isn't too human-friendly.

I've always liked Amazon's URL strategy in this regard.. A product URL will be but really they only need to show the same thing. The human-readable bit is seemingly discarded. Maybe we can do the same?

Here's one possibility.. could instead be could instead be

Using history.replaceState() we can update a plan's URL clientside w/o refresh. And since the plan ID is also parsed clientside, we have a lot of flexibility. (and of course, backwards compatibility for this'd be ez)

migurski commented 3 years ago

I’m interested in pursuing this. We might also try to generate less hostile-looking plan IDs. I originally went for timestamps as a way to keep it all sortable.