Planheat / Planheat-Tool

The Planheat tool is the heart of the Planheat project ( Composed of several modules, it will help your city to simulate its way to decarbonising its heating and cooling system by showing you economically feasible scenarios.
MIT License
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problem with installation #2

Open peterkotek opened 1 year ago

peterkotek commented 1 year ago

I am unable to install the package for QGIS. I have copied the necessary files to the /apps folder of my QGIS installation (I have tried a number of versions, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6).

When running setup.bat as an administrator, I get this error message (it seems that the installer is does not locate the QGIS installation folder but is looking for Python36 in Windows\System32...):

Can you direct me towards a possible solution? Error code below.

============================== Install python packages =====================================

C:\Windows\System32>REM Set python executable real directory

C:\Windows\System32>SET "QGIS_PYTHON_VERSION=Python36"

C:\Windows\System32>SET "PYTHON_DIR=C:\apps\Python36\"

C:\Windows\System32>IF NOT EXIST "C:\apps\Python36\" ( SET "QGIS_PYTHON_VERSION=Python37" SET "PYTHON_DIR=C:\apps\Python37\" )

C:\Windows\System32>IF NOT EXIST "C:\apps\Python37\" ( set /p user_input="Error: Impossible to find right version for python. Press enter to quit." EXIT /b ) Error: Impossible to find right version for python. Press enter to quit.