PlanktoScope / forklift

Composable, reprovisionable, decentralized management of apps & configs on Raspberry Pis and other embedded Linux systems
Apache License 2.0
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Enable exporting files which can be combined with OS files via an overlay filesystem #178

Closed ethanjli closed 4 months ago

ethanjli commented 4 months ago

This PR makes progress on by allowing packages to specify files for export; Forklift will then collect all exported files into a subdirectory of the staged pallet bundle. In early boot, Forklift can be used to determine the path of the directory for the next staged pallet bundle to apply, and the file exports in that directory can then be used as part of one or more overlay filesystems. This way, a Forklift pallet can provide systemd services and other units in /etc and/or /usr (if the appropriate filesystem overlays are active) after early boot; as well as config files used by any services after early boot.