Plant-Food-Research-Open / assemblyqc

A NextFlow pipeline for evaluating assembly quality
MIT License
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Auto remove the contamination? #19

Open GallVp opened 1 year ago

GallVp commented 1 year ago

It's not that easy. People might make a mistake on the TRIM action:

GallVp commented 1 year ago

Add a responsibility statement.

GallVp commented 2 months ago

Please see point 3 here:

By default the NCBI GX tool hard masks internal contaminants. Hard masking already has multiple meaning. First, it can represent a gap. Second, it can represent hard masking by a tool such as repeat masker. Now with this, it can also mean hard masking due to contamination.

Some suggestions:

  1. Adaptors should be removed by the assembler software.
  2. Foreign organism contamination should be removed following the recommendations from NCBI FCS GX (, except for the FIX action for internal contaminations. Instead of hard masking the contamination, we should insert 100 N's there to denote a gap of unknown size.