Currently using the full form of the DirMul PMF in mchap call. This can be simplified based on the fact that only a single parameter (i.e., allele) is being updated at a time. Simplifying should result in a moderate performance improvement.
The naive simplification is
def log_genotype_allele_prior(
genotype, variable_allele, unique_haplotypes, inbreeding=0
"""Log probability that a genotype contains a specified allele
given its other alleles are treated as constants.
This prior function is designed to be used in a gibbs sampler in which a single allele
is resampled at a time.
genotype : ndarray, int, shape (ploidy, )
Integer encoded alleles in the proposed genotype.
variable_allele : int
Index of the allele that is not being held constant ( < ploidy).
unique_haplotypes : int
Number of possible haplotype alleles at this locus.
inbreeding : float
Expected inbreeding coefficient of the sample.
lprior : float
Log-probability of the variable allele given the observed alleles.
# base alpha for flat prior
alpha = inbreeding_as_dispersion(inbreeding, unique_haplotypes)
# sum of alpha parameters acounting for constant alleles
constant = np.delete(genotype, variable_allele)
counts = allelic_dosage(constant)
sum_alpha = np.sum(counts + alpha) + alpha * (unique_haplotypes - len(counts))
# alpha parameter for variable allele
count = count_allele(genotype, genotype[variable_allele]) - 1
variable_alpha = alpha + count
# dirichlet-multinomial PMF
left = lgamma(sum_alpha) - lgamma(1 + sum_alpha)
right = lgamma(1 + variable_alpha) - lgamma(variable_alpha)
return left + right
Based on the Wikipedia article this can be simplified further to remove the gamma function entirely
def genotype_allele_prior(
genotype, variable_allele, unique_haplotypes, inbreeding=0
"""Probability that a genotype contains a specified allele
given its other alleles are treated as constants.
This prior function is designed to be used in a gibbs sampler in which a single allele
is resampled at a time.
genotype : ndarray, int, shape (ploidy, )
Integer encoded alleles in the proposed genotype.
variable_allele : int
Index of the allele that is not being held constant ( < ploidy).
unique_haplotypes : int
Number of possible haplotype alleles at this locus.
inbreeding : float
Expected inbreeding coefficient of the sample.
prior : float
Probability of the variable allele given the observed alleles.
alpha = inbreeding_as_dispersion(inbreeding, unique_haplotypes)
ploidy = len(genotype)
count = count_allele(genotype, genotype[variable_allele]) - 1
num = count + alpha
sum_alpha = alpha * unique_haplotypes
denom = sum_alpha + ploidy - 1
return num / denom
Related top #124
Currently using the full form of the DirMul PMF in
mchap call
. This can be simplified based on the fact that only a single parameter (i.e., allele) is being updated at a time. Simplifying should result in a moderate performance improvement.The naive simplification is
Based on the Wikipedia article this can be simplified further to remove the gamma function entirely