Planteome / plant-ontology

Repository for the Plant Ontology
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flower #160

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 14 years ago

Flower (PO: 0009046) current defintions: A heterosporangiate strobilus, typically consisting of androecium, gynoecium, usually surrounded by a perianth and borne on an axis or receptacle.

One of the reviewers pointed out that the definition was problematic.

At the POC meeting on 9/8/2010, We agreed that it was inaccurate and needed to be fixed before the release.

Proposed definition: A determinate shoot system that has as a part at least one carpel or at least one stamen and does not contain any other determinate shoot system as a part. Comment: may be have as part one or more petals, sepals or tepals. Child of shoot system

Reported by: rlwalls2008

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/160

planteome-user commented 14 years ago

from POC meeting on 9-15-10:

New proposed definition: A determinate reproductive shoot system that has as part at least one carpel or at least one stamen and does not contain any other determinate shoot system as a part.

Comment: may have as part one or more petals, sepals or tepals. May contain pistillode or staminode or other aborted organs that don't show up in mature form.

Should be is_a reproductive shoot system, but we don't currently have that terms. Should we add it now or wait for next round?

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 14 years ago

We can't make this a child of reproductive shoot system, because the term doesn't exist.

I think having the word reproductive in the definition is redundant, because it is already implied by the presence of a carpel or stamen. Also, some flowers are sterile, and not involved in reproduction. Instead we can keep the original comment: "The characteristic reproductive structure of angiosperms."

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

On the live version of the PO, floret (sensu Asteraceae) is listed as a synonym of flower. Shouldn't this be a narrow synonym of inflorescence?

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

At POC meeting on 9-22-10, we accepted the proposed definition from 9-15-10, using new term reproductive shoot system as parent.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

This def'n was fixed, (see below) so I am closing this tracker. Current Def'n: Flower (PO:0009046): A determinate reproductive shoot system that has as part at least one carpel or at least one stamen and does not contain any other determinate shoot system as a part. [source:POC:curators]

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

----does not contain any other determinate shoot system as a part. [source:POC:curators]

If I am not wrong, it should be "--does not contain any other INdeterminate" ----------------------------------------------^^

Original comment by: jaiswalp