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non-pericyclic and pericyclic lateral root #171

Open planteome-user opened 13 years ago

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Rich Zobel of the ISRR (International Society for Root Research) has suggested the new root terms based on the root nomenclature framework they developed and published in Plant Biosystems (June 2010). See tracker:\_id=76834&atid=835555.

non-pericyclic lateral root (ID:0000006)

proposed def: "A lateral root that does not arise from pericycle tissues." [ISS:rwz] synonym: "adventitious root (sensu strictu)." EXACT is_a: PO:0020121 ! lateral root

Reported by: cooperl09

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/171

planteome-user commented 12 years ago

At the POC meeting on 5-22-12, we agreed to add a term for non-pericyclic lateral root. We will also add a similar term for pericyclic lateral root.

pericyclic lateral root (PO:0025494): A lateral root (PO:0025495) that develops from a pericyclic lateral root primordium (PO:0025492).

comment: A pericyclic lateral root primordium develops from cells that are part of a pericycle (PO:0006203). This is the most common type of lateral root in seed plants.

develops_from pericyclic lateral root primordium ref: POC:curators

non-pericyclic lateral root (PO:0025495): A lateral root (PO:0025495) that develops from a non-pericyclic lateral root primordium (PO:0025493).

comment: A non-pericyclic lateral root primordium develops from cells that are not part of a pericycle (PO:0006203). Develops from cells in an endodermis (PO:0000252) in ferns and some seed plants.

develops_from non-pericyclic lateral root primordium refs: POC:curators, ISSR:Richard_Zobel, synonym: adventitious root sensu strictu (broad)

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008