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archegonium central cell and embryo sac central cell #182

Open planteome-user opened 13 years ago

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

This comment was made by Paula Rudall during the beta review

Central cell; PO: 0020090: The largest cell of the mature embryo sac. Contains two polar nuclei, which (after double fertilization) will develop into the endosperm.

Her comment: in a gymnosperm archegonium, the central cell is the cell that will divide to form the ventral canal cell and the egg cell (see Rudall 2006, Bioessays 28: 1067–1071).

Reported by: rlwalls2008

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/182

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

The gymnosperm definition is the older one and the one most commonly used.

Original comment by: dws409

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

are these the same structures or analogous?

Original comment by: jaiswalp

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

At the Skype meeting on 10-4-12, we decided to rename PO: 0020090 to embryo sac central cell, for clarity, and add a new term for archegonium central cell.

embryo sac central cell (PO:0020090): An embryo sac cell (PO:0025026) that is largest cell in a mature embryo sac (PO:0025074). Comment: In most angiosperms, the embryo sac central cell contains two polar nuclei, and, after double fertilization, develops into an endosperm. In some angiosperms, such as Illicium, the embryo sac central cell contains a single polar nucleus. Embryo sac central cell is distinct from archegonium central cell (PO:0025509).

archegonium central cell (PO:0025509): A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is the distal cell arising from the first division of an archegonial initial cell (PO:id) in a gymnosperm.

See separate tracker for archegonium initial cell.

Comment: The archegonium central cell is larger than the other cell that arises from the initial division. Divides asymmetrically to form a smaller archegonium neck canal cell (PO:0030065) and a larger archegonium egg cell (PO:0025122) in gymnosperms.


Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Updated the def'n and corrected the comment archegonium central cell: archegonium central cell (PO:0025509): A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is the distal cell arising from the first division of an archegonial initial cell (PO:0025510).

Comment: The archegonium central cell divides asymmetrically to form a smaller ventral canal cell (new term needed) and a larger archegonium egg cell (PO:0025122). It is larger than the archegonium neck canal cell (PO:0030065), which also develops from the archegonium initial cell (PO:0025510). The archegonium central cell only occurs in gymnosperms.

Reference rudall paper: PMID_17041880 Rudall 2006

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

A]What Paula points out is true. It is also true for ferns and bryophytes although the term central cell is not used for those groups. We need to standardize this across land plants.

Original comment by: dws409

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

The archgonium arises from an archegonial initial cell in bryophytes and ferns and lycophytes.

Original comment by: dws409

planteome-user commented 10 years ago

Moved to be is_a native plant cell and updated the def'n: archegonium central cell (PO:0025509): A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the larger, distal cell arising from the first division of an archegonium initial cell (PO:0025510).

See: [plant-ontology-po-term-requests:#586]

Original comment by: cooperl09