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Repository for the Plant Ontology
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pollen sac #255

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Pollen sac (PO:0009070) is currently named microsporangium, with pollen sac as synonym.

I suggest that we us microsporangium as a more general term and rename this term pollen sac. It already has a part_of relation to anther.

current def: "A sporangium producing microspores, usually many in number." [APWeb:Glossary], subset: reference, synonym: "anther lobe" RELATED [], synonym: "pollen sac" RELATED []

suggested def: A microsporangium in angiosperms that is a cavity in an anther that contains pollen grains (Raven et al.).

Reported by: rlwalls2008

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/255

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

The new definition was accepted at the POC meeting on 12-15-10. PO:0009070 will be renamed pollen sac.

I am closing this item.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

I am reopening this tracker as we decided on the POC conf call 2-15-11 that def'n needs to be rewritten then anther locule could be a part_of child of it.

Current def'n: A microsporangium in an angiosperm that is a cavity in an anther that contains pollen grains.

The anther locule is actually the cavity.

Proposed def'n: A microsporangium that encloses an anther locule where the pollen grains develop.

Comment: Two or more pollen sacs may fuse to form a single anther locule.

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Typical anthers comprise 4 microsporangia, each microsporangium produces the microspores and eventually the male gametophyte. Therefore the microsporangium is more than a cavity.

we cannot forget the angiosperms have microsporangia before it contains pollen grains, the microsporangia is where the pollen grains will developed and are contain after they are completely developed.

For gymnosperms we will need "part_of relation to sporoyhll.

Original comment by: magandolfo

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Rather defining the pollen sac as containing an anther locule (which is problematic, because it often contains only part of a locule, and then only at maturity), suggest defining it as part of anther. This will distinguish it from microsporangia that are not in angiosperms. Pollen sac is currently part of anther, anther is part of stamen, and stamen is part of sporophyll, so pollen sac part of sporophyll.

Possible definition based on current relations: A microsporangium that is part of an anther where the pollen grains developed and are contain after they develop.

Comment: A pollen sac is a microsporangium in angiosperms. A pollen sac may contain an anther locule or several pollen sacs may fuse so they contain a single anther locule.

However, this definition and the current part_of relations will be problematic if we want them to include pollen sacs in gymnosperms.

One way around this problem would be define pollen sac directly as part of a sporophyll, then replace the pollen sac part_of anther relation with anther has_part pollen sac:

Alternative suggested definition: A microsporangium that is part of a sporophyll where the pollen grains developed and are contained after they develop.

Comment: A pollen sac is a microsporangium in seed plants. In angiosperms, a single, unfused pollen sac may contain an anther locule or several pollen sacs may fuse so they contain a single anther locule.

Anther locule should remain as part_of anther, not be part_of pollen sac.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

From POC meeting on 2-22-11:

New definition for pollen sac:A microsporangium that is part of a sporophyll where the pollen grains developed and are contained after they develop. Comment: A pollen sac is a microsporangium in seed plants. In angiosperms, a single, unfused pollen sac may contain an anther locule or several pollen sacs may fuse so they contain a single anther locule.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

I suggest that we obsolete PO:0009070 and replace it with a new term pollen sac. This ID has gone through a name change and several definition changes, and may no longer be the same as the original term.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

At the POC meeting on 2-22-11, PJ suggested that we add a new term "anther lobe" which has_part pollen sac. This would be consistent with the PGDSO term "C four anther lobes formed" (PO:0001025). However, anther lobe is already a related synonym of pollen sac.

Are they the same thing in angiosperms?

Can't use the name anther lobe for gymnosperms.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Anther lobe has its own tracker item:\_id=76834&atid=835555

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Closing this item.

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008