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Repository for the Plant Ontology
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gametophytic perianth #291

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Suggest adding a new term gametophytic perianth for use with mosses.

Proposed definition: A collective phyllome structure that consists of two or more of the most distal parachaetal bracts on an axis that are fused laterally and surround the calyptra (or should it be surrounds the capsule, in case no calyptra is present?). has_part parachaetal bract, part_of gametophore, participates_in gametophytic phase, disjoint from perianth (PO:0009058) Comment: The gametophytic perianth is not the same structure as a perianth (PO:0009058) in angiosperms.

Reported by: rlwalls2008

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/291

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

gametophytic perianth (PO:0030031) was accepted at the POC meeting on 4-28-11

closing this item

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008