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Repository for the Plant Ontology
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lobe and tooth #429

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 12 years ago

At the POC meeting on 1-10-12, we added the term "sinus" and agreed to add the related terms for tooth and lobe, all part_of margin.

We currently have organ margin (PO:0025005) and phyllome margin (PO:0025018) without part_of relations. Suggest that we add organ margin is part_of lamina, phyllome margin part_of phyllome lamina.

Leaf margin (PO:0020128) is already part of leaf and leaf lamina margin (PO:0025009) is part_of leaf lamina.

'''proposed definition, lobe:''' A cardinal organ part that is a rounded projection on the margin of an organ. part_of organ margin

'''proposed definition, phyllom lobe:''' A lobe that is a rounded projection on the margin of a phyllome. part_of leaf phyllome margin

'''proposed definition, leaf lamina lobe:''' A phyllome lobe that is a rounded projection on the margin of a leaf lamina. (Is this in vascular leaf only?) part_of leaf lamina margin

Can add other types of lobes as we want, or wait until they are requested.

'''proposed definition, plant organ tooth:''' A cardinal organ part that is a pointed projection on the margin of an organ. part_of organ margin

'''proposed definition, phyllome tooth:''' A plant organ tooth that is a pointed projection on the margin of a phyllome. part_of leaf phyllome margin

'''proposed definition, leaf lamina tooth:''' A phyllome tooth that is a rounded projection on the margin of a leaf lamina. (Is this in vascular leaf only?) part_of leaf lamina margin

Can add other types of teeth as we want, or wait until they are requested.

Be sure to add "teeth" as exact plural synonym to all.

Reported by: rlwalls2008

Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/429

planteome-user commented 12 years ago

Lobes can be either rounded or pointed, and are defined based on the size of the projection.

Teeth' are pointed projections that extend less than 1/4 of the way to the midline.

Crenae (sing. crena) are small rounded pointed projections that extend less than 1/4 of the way to the midline.

Revised proposed definitions:

ref: JSTOR:2441319 (Hickey 1973)

phyllome lamina lobe: A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is a projection on a phyllome margin (PO:0025018) for which the corresponding phyllome sinus (PO:0025383) extends one quarter or more of the distance to the center of the long axis of the phyllome lamina (PO:0025396).

Comment: A phyllome lobe may be either rounded or angular at the tip, and may have phyllome teeth (PO:id) or phyllome crenae (PO:id) on its margin. The corresponding phyllome sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of phyllome lamina (rather than part of lamina margin, because they lobe includes all of the tissue inside the margin).

leaf lamina lobe: A phyllome lobe (PO:id) that is a projection on a leaf lamina margin (PO:0025009) for which the corresponding leaf sinus (PO:0025384) extends one quarter or more of the distance to the center of the long axis of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039).

Comment: A leaf lobe may be either rounded or angular at the tip, and may have leaf teeth (PO:id) or leaf crenae (PO:id) on its margin. The corresponding leaf sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of leaf lamina

phyllome lamina tooth: A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is an angular projection on a phyllome margin (PO:0025018) for which the corresponding phyllome sinus (PO:0025383) extends less than one quarter of the distance to the center of the long axis of the phyllome lamina (PO:0025396).

Comment: See phyllome lamina crena (PO:id) for a small rounded projection. The corresponding phyllome sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of phyllome lamina

leaf lamina tooth: A phyllome lamina tooth (PO:id) that is an angular projection on a leaf margin (PO:0020128) for which the corresponding leaf sinus (PO:0025384) extends less than one quarter of the distance to the center of the long axis of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039).

Comment: See leaf lamina crena (PO:id) for a small rounded projection. The corresponding leaf sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of leaf lamina

Add "teeth" as exact plural synonym to all. Other synonyms from FNA.

phyllome lamina crena: A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is a rounded projection on a phyllome margin (PO:0025018) for which the corresponding phyllome sinus (PO:0025383) extends less than one quarter of the distance to the center of the long axis of the phyllome lamina (PO:0025396).

Comment: See phyllome lamina tooth (PO:id) for a small angular projection. The corresponding phyllome sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of phyllome lamina

leaf lamina crena: A phyllome lamina crena (PO:id) that is a rounded projection on a leaf margin (PO:0020128) for which the corresponding leaf sinus (PO:0025384) extends less than one quarter of the distance to the center of the long axis of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039).

Comment: See leaf lamina tooth (PO:id) for a small angular projection. The corresponding leaf sinus may be rounded or angular. part_of leaf lamina

Synonyms: scallop (exact), crenule (narrow)

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Added the terms described below. phyllome lamina lobe (PO:0025514) phyllome lamina tooth (PO:0025515) phyllome lamina crena (PO:0025516) leaf lamina lobe (PO:0025517) leaf lamina tooth (PO:0025518) leaf lamina crena (PO:0025519)

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: rlwalls2008

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

leaf lamina lobe (PO:0025517) leaf lamina tooth (PO:0025518) leaf lamina crena (PO:0025519)

Need to add this to the comment of each of these: If you are annotating to these terms, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes (ferns) should go to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075). Also need to add the DBxref to this tracker.

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 11 years ago

could we say "is a rounded extension of the margin." This is because the margin is lobed in descriptions. That is to say the margin also extends around the lobe.

Original comment by: dws409